The motivation for information professional jobs: a case study of the students at the department of information studies, Libyan Academy




 The institutions of higher education are social institutions that are at the top of the educational ladder. They play a leading role in the development of intellectual capital, technological progress, the development of the knowledge economy and the balance between maintaining self-identity and openness to the world community. Higher education throughout the developed and underdeveloped world has witnessed and witnessed changes and transformations because of modern technological, information and cultural developments. This may represent the challenge for higher education institutions in less developed societies in particular.

 In addition, what distinguishes the developed societies, taking them quickly by the reasons of development and work to keep pace with these recent developments in order to serve their interests and achieve them to achieve the desired goals. Most of the academic programs in information and libraries have begun to develop and update, from a broader information perspective that goes beyond the traditional concepts of specialization. The library, as an institution that provides information sources, prepares a specialist who selects, classifies, transmits or delivers information to users according to information systems and management in environments to meet their information and knowledge age requirements.

  As human capital is the real wealth in the progress and development of countries and societies, and for that reason, they are keen to take care of the development of their human wealth. We are now living in an age of radical change, especially at the turn of the century. The world around us is developing and growing at an amazing speed and we are not able to stand still. We must interact in one way or another with these successive developments in order to catch up with technological development. As human capital is at the center of this progress and development, it has a great responsibility to do more to harmonize with its environment, and not necessarily the information specialists.

 This study focuses on the extent of motivation of students in the Department of Information Studies (as knowledge workers) towards the professions and information functions in the Libyan information and information institutions and facilities in accordance with their skills and information abilities.



How to Cite

Bezan, H. (2017). The motivation for information professional jobs: a case study of the students at the department of information studies, Libyan Academy. Cybrarians Journal, (46).