Author Instructions

Cybrarians Journal is open access, peer-reviewed journal that serves as a regional platform for disseminating research articles, case studies, and reviews focused on aspects of libraries and information science. The journal aims to present significant research findings to the regional and international community, helping researchers, scientists, institutions, and societies stay informed about new developments in both theory and application.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

To ensure a smooth submission process, please follow these instructions carefully when preparing your manuscript.

Types of Manuscripts

Original Research
These manuscripts cover new and original topics related to libraries and information science. They may involve field studies, testing data, surveys, quantitative and qualitative research, and empirical or scientific research. 

Case Studies
These describe actual experiences and applications within libraries, archives and information organizations.

Theoretical Papers
These focus on basic and introductory articles about new topics in the field of libraries and information science, and covering philosophical discussions and comparative studies of other authors' work and ideas.

Literature Reviews
Used if the main purpose of the paper is to annotate and/or critique literature in a particular topic in libraries and information science field. These may be selective bibliographies providing advice on information sources or papers that cover the main contributors to the development of a topic and explore their different views.

Cybrarians Journal may also publish other types of papers, including invited editorials and special reviews from conference presentations, with specific instructions provided to authors for their preparation.

Manuscript Specifications

Cybrarians Journal publishes only original, unpublished research that has not been previously published, accepted for publication, or is under consideration elsewhere. 


The journal accepts submissions in Arabic and English. Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct language. Editors reserve the right to modify accepted manuscripts that do not conform to scientific, technical, stylistic, or grammatical standards. Authors for whom English is a second language should consider professional editing before submission.

File Format:

Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word, with documents not locked or protected. Manuscripts should not exceed 2 MB in size, should consist of no more than two files, and ideally be a single editable file with figures and tables included.

Page Layout: Use standard A4 size with a minimum margin of 2 cm on each side, typed with a minimum of 1.15 spacing, and sequential line numbers throughout the document.

Page Numbering: Pages must be numbered consecutively, including those with acknowledgements, references, tables, and figures.

Font: Use 12-point Times New Roman for English texts, and 14-point Simplified Arabic for Arabic texts. All numbers must be in The Arabic numbers.

Figure Formats: Figures should be professional in appearance with clean, crisp lines. Hand drawings and lettering are not acceptable. Figures and their legends should be grouped together at the end of the paper, numbered consecutively. Figures should be supplied at the highest resolution possible.

Tables: Tables should not repeat data presented in figures. They should be in an editable format and formatted using the table function of the word-processing program. Each table should have a brief title, with any superscripts or asterisks explained.

Manuscript Structure

Title Page:

  • Title of the article
  • Author names and affiliations
  • Corresponding author's contact details

Abstract: A concise, informative abstract not exceeding 300 words, with sections for Purpose, Design/Methodology/Approach, Findings, Research Implications/Limitations, Practical Implications/Limitations, and Originality.

Keywords: Up to six words or short phrases.

Introduction: Concise description of the problem, background, previous research, and the purpose of the work.

Methods: Detailed description of the experiment, simulation, statistical test, or analysis.

Results: Main findings and outcomes, with references to important details in tables and figures.

Discussion: Significance of the results, placing them in the context of other work.

Conclusion: Highlights the novelty and significance of the work and plans for future research.

Acknowledgments: Funding sources, contributions of research assistants, and any individuals who improved the paper.

By adhering to these guidelines, your manuscript will be processed efficiently and effectively for publication in Cybrarians Journal.