Peer Review

Peer review is an essential, unbiased process central to quality scholarly publishing and is a standard practice for all reputable scientific journals. Our referees are crucial in upholding the high standards of Cybrarians Journal. Every manuscript undergoes peer review according to the procedure outlined below.

The entire process of publishing a paper takes approximately two months from the initial submission. The review process spans about one month, followed by a publishing phase that does not exceed an additional month. The peer-review process is wholly performed through the journal management system OJS. 

1. Initial Manuscript Evaluation

The Editor initially evaluates all manuscripts. Manuscripts are rejected at this stage if they are insufficiently original, contain serious scientific flaws, or fall outside the journal's aims and scope. Those that meet the minimum criteria are forwarded to at least two experts for review.

Authors of manuscripts rejected at this stage are typically informed within one weeks of submission.

2. Type of Peer Review

This Cybrarians Journal applies double blind peer-review, where the referee and author do not know each other's identity.

3. Referee Selection Process

Referees are selected based on expertise and continuously updated in our database. Reviewers are selected from countries different from that of the submitting author, but in specific cases, the referee is selected from the same country. All submitted articles are reviewed by two referees.

4. Peer-review criteria

Cybrarians Journal depends on a fixed checklist of review criteria. Each element of the criteria has its own weight of points, and the total sum is 100. The minimum score for acceptance is 60 points. The main criteria elements are:

- Title
- Originality and new contributions
- Compatibility with new trends in library and information field
- Language, style, and wording
- Methodology
- Results and interpretations
- Recommendations
- Citations

5. Decision

Each reviewer submits their final decision. If both reviewers award the article more than 60 points, it is accepted. In case of a conflict between the reviewers' decisions, the editor-in-chief makes the final decision.