Publication Ethics

Cybrarians Journal is committed to applying the highest standards of publication ethics and supporting ethical research practices. Cybrarians Journal adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and encourages reviewers and authors to consult COPE's ethical guidelines.

  1. Ethics guidelines for editors
  • Editors must declare any conflicts of interest with other institutions or journals upon joining the editorial board.
  • Editors should maintain transparency in academic research and records, uphold ethical standards, and be willing to publish retractions, corrections, and errata when necessary.
  • Editors should ensure timely peer review and publication processes, avoiding unnecessary delays.
  • Editors and editorial board members should not make editorial decisions on their own submissions or those they have contributed to.
  • Editors should provide clear guidance to peer reviewers and monitor their performance for quality and timeliness.
  • Editors must handle submitted manuscripts confidentially and not disclose information before publication.
  • Manuscripts should be assessed for scientific quality without bias or discrimination based on race, gender, geographical origin, or religion of the author(s).
  • Promoting research integrity is crucial. Any suspected misconduct should be promptly investigated and resolved diligently.
  1. ethics guidelines for reviewers
  • Reviewers should provide detailed, constructive, and unbiased evaluations in a timely manner, judging each manuscript on its merits.
  • Reviewers play a key role in identifying ethical concerns or misconduct, such as data fabrication, plagiarism, or ethical violations involving human or animal subjects, and must notify the journal editor if any issues arise.
  • Reviewers must declare any conflicts of interest and decline to review when conflicts exist.
  • Reviewers should respect the confidentiality of the review process and only agree to review manuscripts within their expertise.
  • Reviewers should destroy submitted manuscripts and related material after review.
  1. ethics guidelines for authors
  • Authors must make research results publicly available and ensure the completeness and accuracy of their reports.
  • Authors must guarantee the originality of their work and avoid plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.
  • All authors are equally accountable for the content of a manuscript.
  • Manuscripts should not be submitted to multiple journals simultaneously.
  • Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and all sources of research funding.
  • Proper acknowledgment of other work and permissions for any reused content must be obtained.
  1. Post-publication discussions policy
  • Cybrarians Journal welcomes comments and critiques from readers via email to the editor-in-chief.
  • The editorial team will collect and forward all comments and criticisms to the author, who must respond within two weeks.
  1. Retraction Policy

Articles may be retracted in cases of detected plagiarism, unethical research, unreliable findings, redundant publication, unauthorized use of material, copyright infringement, or undisclosed major conflicts of interest.

  1. Complaints and appeals policy
  • Cybrarians Journal welcomes complaints against the publisher, editorial board members, or staff.
  • Complaints can be directed to Prof. Dr. Hesham Azmi ( the editor in chief of Cybrarians Journal.
  • Cybrarians Journal is committed to addressing complaints or appeals seriously and providing a response within two weeks.
  1. Research misconduct policy
  • Complaints of research misconduct must clearly specify the details of the alleged misconduct.
  • The editorial board will investigate the complaint, contacting the corresponding author(s) of the suspected article.
  • If misconduct is confirmed, appropriate actions will be taken, including potential retraction of published articles or rejection of manuscripts under review.
  1. Advertising Policy
  • Cybrarians Journal does not accept advertising or sponsorship for its website and social media accounts.
  1. AI tools as author
  • Cybrarians Journal aligns with COPE, WAME, and the JAMA Network in stating that AI tools cannot be listed as authors of papers.
  • Submissions including AI tools as co-authors or citing documents authored by AI tools will be rejected immediately.