Open Access Statement

Cybrarians Journal is an Open Access e-journal adopting the Diamond Open Access model. All published content of the journal is available immediately for free and without any charges for authors or readers. The Diamond Open Access refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals do not charge fees to either authors or readers.

Cybrarians Journal is committed to the international declarations, statements, and intiativies on Open Access movement from 2002 until now:


Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) emerged from a gathering convened by the Open Society Institute (OSI) in Budapest. According to the BOAI Declaration of 2002, scholarly works intended for unrestricted online access are those freely shared by scholars without anticipation of compensation.


The Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing was formulated by delegates representing funding agencies, libraries, publishers, and scientists at a conference on open access publishing hosted by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Centered on biomedical research, the statement underscores the imperative of swift and effective dissemination of research findings aligned with the ethos of open access.

The Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities is drafted within the framework of a conference on the development of new Web-based research environments that was organised by the Max Planck Society and the European Cultural Heritage Online (ECHO) project. By signing the declaration, leading European and American research organisations and universities commit to supporting the development of the notion of open access, for example, by encouraging researchers to publish their results in open access.


Action Plan for Diamond Open Access is an initiative by Science Europe, the cOAlition S, OPERAS (a European infrastructure for open science communication in the social sciences and humanities) and the French funding organisation Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR). The action plan sets four priorities to open access:

  • Improve the efficiency and collaboration of “Diamond” OA journals and platforms
  • Standardise and harmonize quality requirements
  • Improve the skills of researchers and publishers and build a supranational non-profit capacity center
  • Optimize the sustainability of Diamond OA publication infrastructures

The Arabic Portal for Librarianship and Information endorsed the Diamond Open Access Plan.


Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information emphasizes the importance of open access to research data, publications, and educational resources. The declaration calls for greater transparency, accessibility, and reuse of research information to foster innovation and collaboration. It encourages researchers, institutions, funders, and policymakers to support open research practices and infrastructure. The ultimate goal is to accelerate scientific progress and maximize the societal impact of research by making knowledge freely available to all.