Attitudes of students of the faculty of arts, departments of library and information, and media at Alexandria University toward the use of artificial intelligence applications: chat GPT as a model




Artificial Intelligence, Chat GPT, Higher Education, Usability


Artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly influenced various sciences, with Chat GPT emerging as a key tool for researchers, programmers, and students. This study explores the attitudes of students from the Departments of Library and Information Science and Media at Alexandria University's Faculty of Arts toward using Chat GPT for academic assignments. It aims to assess the extent of their reliance on the tool, their proficiency in using it to produce accurate and reliable results, and their ability to critically evaluate the outputs generated.

Using a descriptive-analytical methodology, the study surveyed a random sample of students during the 2023-2024 academic year, collecting 206 responses (40 of which were excluded for incompleteness). The findings aim to raise awareness of Chat GPT's capabilities, guide university instructors in promoting its effective use, and enhance the integration of AI tools in education for improved academic outcomes.


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How to Cite

Mahmoud, S. (2024). Attitudes of students of the faculty of arts, departments of library and information, and media at Alexandria University toward the use of artificial intelligence applications: chat GPT as a model. Cybrarians Journal, (73), 178–202.