Exploring the philosophy and practice of AI literacy in higher education in the Global South: a scoping review





AI literacy, AI support, AI education, Global South, Scoping Review


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the top of the agendas of higher education and  education leaders are required to give direction in educating the next generation of students and citizens. AI holds positive answers to technological innovations, but  the potential for continued inequities, exclusion and divides must not be ignored. As a relatively new concept, AI literacy is often viewed as a complex concept requiring more detailed conceptualisation. Furthermore, with the recent hype around generative AI (GenAI), discussions and explorations around what AI literacy is, are now being deliberated. Historically AI was the domain of mathematicians and computer scientists. This is changing as the wider implication of AI permeates all aspects of society, in particular the ethical and informed use of AI and GenAI is paramount. This leaves higher education with the dilemma of deciding who is responsible in teaching and facilitation AI literacy. Keeping in mind that there is an abundance of new literacies in academia. This problem is particularly pronounced in the Global South countries, where digital exclusions and social injustice are becoming more complex. This scoping review evaluated 40 screened and eligible peer reviewed articles and conference proceedings published between 2020- 2024 on AI literacy in higher education in the Global South. The aim of the study was to gauge the extant research on AI literacy and its subsequent ethical implications in higher education in the Global South. The study further explored which philosophies and frameworks inform and guide AI literacy research and support in higher education within the selected region. Findings are that while the disciplines of education are engaging in research, other disciplines such as Information Science are interdisciplinary actors in teaching and facilitating AI literacy, but that there is a pronounced paucity in research being conducted


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How to Cite

Van Wyk, B. (2024). Exploring the philosophy and practice of AI literacy in higher education in the Global South: a scoping review. Cybrarians Journal, (73), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.70000/cj.2024.73.601