The role of libraries in digital citizenship: a review of the intellectual production literature from 2016 to 2020


  • Aziza Ali Cataloging Team Leader, Al-Manhal Company, Egypt



digital citizenship, literature review


This study deals with a review of the literature on intellectual production about the role of libraries in digital citizenship. The period was determined from 2016 to 2020. The focus was on works in Arabic and English. Several databases were searched to prepare this review. Among the goals that the review sought to achieve identifying Intellectual production on the topic of the role of libraries in digital citizenship, identifying subtopics that were not addressed in the study, and identifying the results and recommendations of studies that address the topic. The results of this review were: The scarcity of Arab intellectual production on the topic of the role of libraries in digital citizenship, and the abundance of foreign intellectual production on the topic of the role of school library specialists in digital citizenship. Among the study's recommendations is the need to focus on studying understudied subtopics, such as the role of national libraries in digital citizenship.


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How to Cite

Ali, A. (2022). The role of libraries in digital citizenship: a review of the intellectual production literature from 2016 to 2020. Cybrarians Journal, (65), 62–82.

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