Public libraries in the national educational policy in Algeria: relationship and dimensions


  • Demmouche Ousama Department of Library Science and Documentary Scienc, Faculty of Humanities and Islamic Sciences, University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella- Algeria



The theme of cultural and educational work for public libraries in educational policy is one of the main concerns for researchers and policy planners which require a consideration of all aspects as well as to reinforce it by making use of international experience for the aim of pedagogical work. Consequently the whole aim of this paper is to tackle the shifts in educational policy in Algeria and socio-economic challenges faced by historical as well as contemporary challenges which requires it to open up to cultural institution which is the main focus of this study through exposure to the nature and the form of cooperation between public libraries and educational institution in Algeria.



How to Cite

Ousama, D. (2019). Public libraries in the national educational policy in Algeria: relationship and dimensions. Cybrarians Journal, (55).