Open source sentiment analysis software: an evaluative study of functions and capabilities


  • Aya Medhat



Sentiment Analysis, Open-Source Software, Data Extraction, Opinion Mining, Social Media Platforms, Natural Languages


"Open-source sentiment analysis software is a powerful tool for understanding emotions and opinions, enabling the improvement of services and products. All organizations can benefit from these tools to gain insights and make informed decisions based on data analysis. This allows for the development of services or products to meet customer needs, as data has become a valuable asset for organizations. Customer opinions and feedback are among the most important data. The interest in sentiment analysis methods has become even more critical with the increasing prevalence of social media. Through these platforms, users freely share their opinions, making them a rich source of information about public sentiment towards various issues and topics. As a result, numerous automated programs for sentiment analysis have emerged to understand public opinion trends and improve products and services for a comprehensive outcome and to support decision-making. From this perspective, this study conducts an evaluation and comparative analysis of these software programs to identify the differences between them in terms of their features and to assess the available capabilities. A comparative analysis of 38 open-source sentiment analysis software programs was conducted, and it was found that AssemblyAi is the best software, ranking first according to the proposed evaluation criteria."


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How to Cite

Medhat, A. (2024). Open source sentiment analysis software: an evaluative study of functions and capabilities. Cybrarians Journal, (74), 19–79.