Experience designing a mini integrated library system according to the WINISIS system


  • Mohamed Kazem Professor of Libraries and Information, University of Baghdad, College of Education for Girls, Iraq
  • Arwa Alyasiry Teacher, Department of Computers and Information Systems, Al-Mansour University, Iraq




ILS, integrated library systems


The study is an experiment to design an integrated system for computing small-sized libraries using the winisis software package. The library system was analyzed, the tasks required of the new system were determined, and then they were implemented using the aforementioned system. The study resulted in knowing the package's strengths and weaknesses in meeting the requirements of the library that seeks to computerize its procedures and services.



How to Cite

Kazem, M., & Alyasiry, A. (2007). Experience designing a mini integrated library system according to the WINISIS system. Cybrarians Journal, (12). https://doi.org/10.70000/cj.2007.12.439