Training programs for information specialists in the face of the digital age


  • Arwa Alyasiry PhD in Information and Librarianship, Montreal, Canada



librarians, training


The research aims to study and evaluate librarian qualification programs in Arab universities to determine the extent to which they cover modern concepts in library and information science, their contribution to developing librarian skills, and to determine the extent of compatibility between librarian qualification programs and the reality of actual work in libraries. The survey method was used in the research and a purposive sample was adopted in selecting the academic departments. The research concluded that the information science and library departments are seeking, but with slow steps, to amend their programs to become close to the new reality of the librarian profession, but at the same time they are somewhat compatible with the reality of actual work in Arab libraries.



How to Cite

Alyasiry, A. (2009). Training programs for information specialists in the face of the digital age. Cybrarians Journal, (21).