Digital libraries: planning and requirements


  • Ragab Hassanin Juma Al Majid Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates



digital libraries


Digital libraries are truly the libraries of the future in light of the general trend occurring in the world as a whole towards the transition to the electronic world and digital content. The field of libraries and information is striving hard to catch up with this trend and try to benefit from the applications of new technologies in the field of computer technology, information and communications systems and their actual application in the world of libraries. Welcome, to prove that the field of libraries and information has not and will not die, but rather is trying closely to follow developments. In this paper, we try to identify the changes occurring in the field of digital libraries from the beginning of the idea until its development now, while mentioning the stages and steps that must be followed to plan digital library projects.



How to Cite

Hassanin, R. (2008). Digital libraries: planning and requirements. Cybrarians Journal, (15).