Arabic children's encyclopedias available on the web: an evaluation study


  • Amany Alsayed Teacher, Library and Information Department, Helwan University, Egypt



The children of the current generation are distinguished by the fact that they are more knowledgeable about life affairs than other previous generations, due to the modern technologies in their hands that have made them more understanding and aware of the events around them. Therefore, there has become an urgent need for tools to help these children develop their scientific awareness and expand the scope of their culture, which is an integral part of the culture of society as a whole, in addition to developing new sources of learning.

Then the media in all its forms introduces us to two terms to indicate the association of today’s children with information technology, which are: “the Internet generation” and “computer children” to indicate that the computer and the Internet have become their field of interest not only in the availability of their usage capabilities, but that they are children who have a role in computer software and contributing to content. Web.

Children today are witnessing a global openness to information through the Internet and satellite channels, which have contributed greatly to children’s knowledge of aspects that were not known to us in the past. Therefore, it is necessary to have sources of scientific knowledge that help children learn about scientific achievements, inventions, inventors, and topics related to science in order to develop scientific and creative thinking. They have help in improving their academic achievement. At the forefront of these sources are electronic encyclopedias, which provide condensed or brief information on topics in all branches of human knowledge in an attractive way that relies on the use of multimedia technology, in addition to multiple search and retrieval methods.

Many Arab countries have taken upon themselves the task of satisfying children’s cultural and cognitive needs and developing their reading habit in various branches of human knowledge, adopting many methods, including establishing children’s libraries, providing printed information sources, and information technology tools in schools and libraries. It has become necessary for it to consider the extent of its contribution to providing sources of information directed to children on the Internet.



How to Cite

Alsayed, A. (2009). Arabic children’s encyclopedias available on the web: an evaluation study. Cybrarians Journal, (19).