The proposed electronic archive system for the General Administration of Alexandria University. 2




Administrative documents are the backbone and cornerstone of any entity that practices public work, and universities stand out as one of the institutions keen to practice scientific management by relying on recorded information and facts that reduce the randomness of decision-making. Including the University of Alexandria, which contains a huge amount of administrative documents that reflect the magnitude and importance of the volume of work it carries out, and is relied upon for the management and development of educational and research affairs. Therefore, it was necessary to follow modern scientific methods and benefit from them in the archival control of its documents to increase their effectiveness.

Therefore, studying the administrative/current documents of the General Administration of Alexandria University is imperative to determine the nature of its documents in preparation for developing and proposing requirements and programs that help manage these documents in the new technological environment that Alexandria University seeks to implement and disseminate.



How to Cite

El Labban, N. (2011). The proposed electronic archive system for the General Administration of Alexandria University. 2. Cybrarians Journal, (27).