Current Records and Big Data in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina




 This study aims to shed light on the big data projects in BA as well as analyze the validity of the documentary environment in BA for using big data tools to benefit in the future from the vital data in BA's records. The researcher uses the case study and concludes that BA entered the era of big data through cultural-knowledge projects related to the web environment. Moreover, the research shows that the readiness rate of BA's documentary environment to utilize big data tools is (72%) ―if the researcher depends only on assessing the digital and paper records environments without records 2.0. But in the case of accounting the assessments of records 2.0, the digital and paper records' environments together, the readiness rate of BA's documentary environment to use big data tools decreases to (59%). Finally, the study recommends that BA must improve the regulatory reality of its records so as not to lose an essential source of big data in the future. Furthermore, BA can cooperate with institutions that have a background in dealing with(using) records as a source of big data to benefit from their experiences in the field.

Author Biography

Nermeen El Labban, Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt

Associate Professor of Records and Archives

Department of Library and Information Science,

Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt



How to Cite

El Labban, N. (2021). Current Records and Big Data in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Cybrarians Journal, (62).