Advertising and its role in improving the levels of satisfaction and loyalty of the clients: field study in the Algerian telecommunication companies (Mobilis – Djezy – Ooredoo)


  • Fatna Bensaad Lecture B, Djillali Liabes University, Algeria
  • Elhouari Djamel Professor, Djillali Liabes University, Algeria
  • Abdelmadjid Ezzine Lecture B, Djillali Liabes University, Algeria



The study is about advertising and its role in creating an efficient marketing performance in the
Algerian telecommunication companies . It aims to emphasize the importance of advertising and the
obligation of applying it in a scientific and correct method. To achieve the objectives of the study
and test its assumptions the researcher has designed distributed and analyzed a questionnaire
directed to a group of 384 clients of the Algerian telecommunication companies .The study has
deduced that there is a statistic relationship between advertising and clients satisfaction and between
advertising and loyalty, the study has deducted that advertisement in the Algerian
telecommunication companies has been accomplished in a scientific approach and this can be seen
through the lucidity of its objectives and the quality of its designs.



How to Cite

Bensaad, F., Djamel, E., & Ezzine, A. (2017). Advertising and its role in improving the levels of satisfaction and loyalty of the clients: field study in the Algerian telecommunication companies (Mobilis – Djezy – Ooredoo). Cybrarians Journal, (46).