E-governance from the perspective of Algerian archivists: a field study at the Algerian National Archives


  • Fares Boukhouidem PhD candidate, Libraries and Information Institute, Abdelhamid Mehri University, Constantine 2, Algeria
  • Djamila Maamar Lecturer, Libraries and Information Institute, Abdelhamid Mehri University, Constantine 2, Algeria




             The use of modern technologies has led to a rapid change in the environment and structure of government institutions in Algeria, Including public administration; the latter, which was known to be oriented towards the application of electronic management ;Which would directly or indirectly affect the various sectors related to the administrative fabric; Especially records and documentation, and archivists as the main branches of the archival institutions concerned with the various developments, and they are oblige to follow its.

               Therefore, this study seeks to shed light on the subject of E-administration, and its impact on the field of archives in Algeria ;Through the knowledge of the opinion of the Algerian archivists working at the National Archive Center about the new face of the administration And their readiness to adapt to the challenges it pose, as well as to highlight the status of archivists in the digital environment and the roles they are supposed to play in order to ensure their continued existence as an important link in the administrative chain.



How to Cite

Boukhouidem, F., & Maamar , D. (2019). E-governance from the perspective of Algerian archivists: a field study at the Algerian National Archives. Cybrarians Journal, (55). https://doi.org/10.12816/0055418