Proposed guiding standards for the drafting of Arab archival legislation




Archival Legislation, Guidelines, Legislative Drafting, Arab Archives


Archival Legislation represents an essential element in the broader legislative base of any effective independent government, it’s provides the necessary legal
framework for the flow of documents in all state agencies and regulates their path, and defines the duties and responsibilities of the government, agencies and institutions in their dealings with current, semi-current and permanent documents,
and codifies the right to access those documents, and ways to benefit from them, and explains the controls and standards for legal protection of archives in general and its materials in particular, and spreads awareness of the legal dimensions related to the practice of the archival profession, which limits abuses and violations,
and leads to providing the highest level of service. Therefore, suggestive Guidelines came because of studying the archival legislation of nine Arab countries and comparing them together. These are matched by relevant global guidelines.


Carroll, Michael E. NATIS, an International Information system: Impossible Dream or Attainable Reality? – The American Archivist. Vol. 39. No. 3. July 1976.

Child, Barbara. Drafting Legal Documents: Principles and Practices. – 6 edition. – West Publishing CO. 1992.

ICA/ CLM: Principles for Archives and Records Legislation: DRAFT. – Prepared by the ICA Committee on Legal Matters, 2004, pp. Retrieved from

Ketelaar, Eric: Archival and Records Management Legislation and Regulations: a RAMP study with guidelines. – Paris: UNESCO, 1985. Retrieved from;/48223/pf0000064948

Latvia Archives Law of 2010: (The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia). Retrieved from

Layth Kamāl (2017). Muṭālabāt al-ṣīāghah al-tashrīʿīyah al-jaydah wa-atharuhā ʿalá al-iṣlāḥ al-qānūnī. Majallat Kullīyat al-Qānūn al-Kuwaytīyah al-ʿĀlamīyah, 5(2), 1. (Mayo 2017).

Library and Archives of Canada Act (S.C 2004. C.11) Retrieved from

National archives of South Africa Act (no. 43 of 1996) Retrieved from



How to Cite

Araby, R. (2024). Proposed guiding standards for the drafting of Arab archival legislation. Cybrarians Journal, (72), 94–114.