Open access in light of Arab intellectual production: bibliography


  • Abdelrahman Farrag Assistant (Associate) Professor of Library and Information Science, Beni Suef University, Egypt, and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia.



open access, bibliography


This bibliography aims to inform researchers of the Arab intellectual production - paper and electronic - published on the subject of open access, and to reveal the intellectual efforts that have been accomplished to support this vital principle in the contemporary scientific communication system in Arab society, and then alert and direct society to engage in the various paths of this movement and collect Some of its research, scientific and educational fruits.

Although bringing this topic to the table of Arab scientific research is relatively new, it has received momentum and encouragement from some researchers and institutions, and this has been supported by some initiatives aimed at enriching Arabic content on the Internet. In the last two years, some conferences and workshops were held that were entirely focused, or some of their studies were focused on this topic.

This bibliography covers Arab intellectual production on the subject of free access to information and topics related to it, from articles in specialized and general periodicals, newspaper articles, encyclopedia articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, seminars, workshops, reports, official documents, etc. Patterns of intellectual production. We note here that there are some materials that are considered unpublished intellectual production, such as some conference research, seminars, and university dissertation outlines, and we have chosen to limit them for definition and inform researchers of them.

Here we have tried to trace Arab intellectual production on this subject in its various contexts. We also made every effort to track the intellectual production published electronically on the Internet, and we linked the printed copies of the intellectual production that were limited to their electronic copies available on the Internet whenever this was available.

The bibliography was divided into precise thematic divisions, and divisions branching from each other were used when necessary. The materials were arranged under thematic divisions according to the names of the authors, and by titles for articles that do not have an explicit author.



How to Cite

Farrag, A. (2009). Open access in light of Arab intellectual production: bibliography. Cybrarians Journal, (20).




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