The role of public and private university libraries in marketing information services from the point of view of their employees: Irbid Governorate, Jordan




This study aimed to identify the role of public and private university libraries in marketing information services from the point of view of their employees. To this end, the researcher used two questionnaires as tools for the study. The first included (25) items that covered a group of information services that university libraries market. The second questionnaire included a set of marketing methods and means in university libraries, numbering (17) items. The validity and reliability coefficients of these two tools indicate their suitability to what they were designed to measure. The study was applied and the necessary statistical treatments were carried out, which showed that the arithmetic averages of the answers of individuals in the study sample about the role of university libraries in marketing information services ranged between very high and low. However, the overall rate of these averages was average. It was found that the most widely used marketing means and methods in university libraries are telephone, regular mail, fax, billboards, guidance and advice. The results of examining the three hypotheses revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the averages of the answers of the study sample members on the tool as a whole according to the variable (university) and in favor of employees in public universities. According to the academic qualification variable, the differences were in favor of the category of master’s and doctoral degree holders, and as for the experience variable, the differences were in favor of The category of experience that falls between 10 years to less than 15 years. The study concluded with a set of recommendations that focused on the following: Marketing is a modern requirement in the field of work of government and private libraries, regardless of the trends and the diversity of the cultures of the employees, because the requirements of the current stage have the importance of knowledge and information, and the necessity of marketing them in any way to meet the needs of the beneficiaries and satisfy their desires. Supporting study plans and programs for the diploma and bachelor’s degrees with materials that enhance students’ concept of marketing and its various programs, and conducting further studies on marketing, its importance and programs in other public and private university libraries.



How to Cite

Andrawes, T. (2011). The role of public and private university libraries in marketing information services from the point of view of their employees: Irbid Governorate, Jordan. Cybrarians Journal, (27).