RFID robot is an alternative to the barcoding system


  • Wahid Eissa Teacher, Information Science Department, Faculty of Arts, Bani Suef University, Egypt




The research means studying the robot using RFID technology as an alternative to the column coding system used in a large number of Arab libraries in general and Egyptian libraries in particular because of its superior features. To achieve this goal, the study relied on field research and historical approaches. In this context, the researcher reviewed the definition of the robot, its development, and the advantages of its use. In the field of libraries and information, its systems, and libraries’ experiences with robots. This is in addition to a review of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and the broad prospects for its use in the field of libraries and information.

This was a prelude to demonstrating a robot that works with radio frequency identification technology (a proposed model for application in Egyptian libraries).

One of the most important results of the study was the great capabilities enjoyed by the robot that uses the RFID system, while the bar coding system was characterized by a clear deficiency in some applications, compared to RFID technology.

The researcher recommended the importance of Egyptian libraries in particular, and Arab libraries in general, taking the lead and initiative in using automated individuals working with RFID technology, while following an effective media marketing policy to use this system in the field.



How to Cite

Eissa, W. (2011). RFID robot is an alternative to the barcoding system. Cybrarians Journal, (27). https://doi.org/10.70000/cj.2011.27.323