Towards knowledge integration through the use of ontologies within the framework of data mining: an analytical study. 2


  • Mo'men El Nasharti Assistant Lecturer, Department of Libraries, Documents and Information, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, Egypt



This study sought to clarify the concept of knowledge integration in a technical context, and the most famous technical initiatives that contributed to achieving it at the level of content available on the Internet. The study then dealt with monitoring the ability to employ the ontologies initiative within the framework of data mining, in an effort to benefit from them in what is known as ontology systems. Ontology-based Web mining to achieve cognitive integration of web content.

The study relied on a survey approach to monitor the algorithmic and linguistic challenges facing the web in achieving knowledge integration. The study also relies on the analytical approach in monitoring and analyzing the reality of ontology’s capabilities to be used to achieve cognitive integration of the content available on the web.

One of the most important results of the study was the ability of web mining to achieve a high level of interoperability across the entire web content to provide knowledge integration.



How to Cite

El Nasharti, M. (2014). Towards knowledge integration through the use of ontologies within the framework of data mining: an analytical study. 2. Cybrarians Journal, (35).