Internet of things and its applications in developing libraries services: towards smart services


  • Zineb Bentayeb Lecturer at the Department of Information and Communication Sciences and Library Science Batna1, University Algeria



This study comes to discuss the possible uses of the Internet of Things in developing and upgrading the libraries services to transform them into smart information services, by reviewing aspects of the use of information institutions from the applications of Internet of Things technology in developing and improving the efficiency and quality of their information services and ways to apply this benefit and the ingredients that must be available to an institution Information so that you can do that.
This study aims to determine the extent to which this transformation can be achieved by highlighting the current information services and determining how each service benefits from these services from the advantages of IoT applications and what development will happen to this service when IoT applies to them.



How to Cite

Bentayeb, Z. (2021). Internet of things and its applications in developing libraries services: towards smart services. Cybrarians Journal, (61).