Principals of building and developing information management strategies and its role in supporting information institutions


  • Ahmed Farag Teacher, Deprt. Of libraries, Assiut University, Egypt. Emam Muhammad ibn Saud University, Saudi Arabia



This study focuses on exploring the mechanisms that lead to determine an appropriate information strategy starting from the goals, initiatives and projects carried out by information institutions, along with analysis the relationship between strategies of internal departments and the global strategy of institution which should be characterized by the comprehensiveness.

The study concentrate also on the importance of the continuous development of information strategies through identifying the principal actors and stages of preparation, development and adopt standards to evaluate which solutions are selected for implementing the strategy. We recommend the information institutions should do more efforts to strengthen the communication process via different actors of information strategy and to support methods to reduce the risks, and challenges that may be encountered and how to overcome them.



How to Cite

Farag, A. (2015). Principals of building and developing information management strategies and its role in supporting information institutions. Cybrarians Journal, (38).