Professional pressures: their sources and their impact on the job performance of librarians: a case study of the libraries of Guelma University in Algeria


  • Sanaa Boubagira Professor, Guelma University, Algeria



This study aims to find out the nature of the professional pressures experienced by the two offices libraries Guelma university of Algiers sources and their effect on job performance to them by highlighting the ways the work environment to give an accurate picture and clear to officials at these libraries to improve the situation out and study relied on the questionnaire as a tool for data collection was distributed to librarians, where he found a set of results that the research sample suffer from a combination of multiple causes of occupational stress led to a clear decline in the functionality of these two offices.



How to Cite

Boubagira, S. (2015). Professional pressures: their sources and their impact on the job performance of librarians: a case study of the libraries of Guelma University in Algeria. Cybrarians Journal, (38).