The motives and fields of using open government data by researchers in the College of Arts and Social Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University


  • Khulood Alabri Sultan Qaboos University
  • Salim Alkindi Sultan Qaboos University
  • Mohammed Alsaqri Sultan Qaboos University
  • Sabah Khalw Department of Information Studies, Sultan Qaboos University



Open data is one of the recent phenomena, which is in its early stage of public sector development. Which means it is produced commissioned by the government, to achieve the principle of transparency, and to promote the concept of sharing. The current study aims to find out the motives and areas for using open government data by researchers in the College of Arts and Social Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University. The study applied quantitative approach to achieve its objectives. Data were collected through the questionnaire tool. The questionnaire was applied to the study population of 172 researchers and academics in different departments of the College of Arts and Social Sciences, including (Arabic language, English language, history, geography, sociology, social work, information studies, archeology, theater arts, tourism, media and musical arts), and the response rate was (48%).

The study reached a set of results, including: Centralization of data, its availability through one window, and the flexibility of its use in various fields. Also providing the necessary data to support appropriate decision-making, it is one of the most important motives of using open government data for researchers in the College of Arts and Social Sciences. Supporting scientific research, the educational process and community service is one of the areas of using open government data for researchers in the College of Arts and Social Sciences. Instead, the results indicate the gender factor and academic qualification do not affect the motives and fields of use of open government data by researchers in the College of Arts and Social Sciences.



How to Cite

Alabri, K., Alkindi, S., Alsaqri, M., & Khalw, S. (2021). The motives and fields of using open government data by researchers in the College of Arts and Social Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University. Cybrarians Journal, (62).