Digital information services in national archives on the web and the situation of Arab archives: an analytical study


  • Ashraf Abdel Mohsen Professor and head of Information Science, Faculty of Arts, Bani-Suef University, Egypt



This research focus on the services of digital information provided by the National
Archives on the Web , these services such as Search online catalog service , search at
archival databases , electronic reference service, service of current awareness ,
service virtual exhibitions, This Research has been selecting a sample of ten (10)
Archives national provide these services, and use descriptive analytical method and
through the application of this method has research found that most of these services
are provided in full in the US and the British and Australian archives, while we find
that a few of them served in the archives of India, Argentina , Egypt and the UAE, so
It recommended the need for Web Design to national archives in developing
countries based on the interaction with the user and it provide the best digital
information services .



How to Cite

Abdel Mohsen, A. (2017). Digital information services in national archives on the web and the situation of Arab archives: an analytical study. Cybrarians Journal, (46).